Set Up – Hotel
Go to Hotel Tab on lefthand side and choose All Hotels
Click on Master and underneath click Duplicate
Enter Hotel name (deleting the name Hotel Master) and then copy the hotel name.
Beneath name it says Permalink click Edit at the end and paste the name of the hotel.
Scroll down to Hotel description and click in empty box
Text Box should appear click on pencil and copy in text and save changes (in blue) at the bottom of this box
Scroll down to Hotel information and click in empty box
Text Box should appear click on pencil and copy in text and save changes (in blue) at the bottom of this box
Ensure Check-in and Check-out timings are within this box
Scroll down to Facility and click in empty box
Highlight only those facilities that the hotel have by holding down Apple key and clicking
Then Save options (in blue)

Scroll down to Gallery and click on empty box – click the pencil and a box with a + sign appears – click the + sign and add photos of hotel (please ensure they are pre-sized to 1200 by 800 pixels ) ensure photos are ticked and then click on the bottom righthand side Use this media. Then press blue box Save
Scroll down to Hotel Settings
Fill in
Hotel Address Line 1
Hotel Address Line 2 (optional)
Postal Code
Hotel Stars
Email Address for Display is always bookings@DESTINATION (example
Emails Address for Hotel Admin User from Hotel info
Email Address for Notification from Hotel Info
CC Email Address for Notification should be destination email address unless otherwise shown on Hotel Info
Email Address for Allocation Notification from Hotel Info
Phone Number should be the generic phone number of DESTINATION as provided
Hotel Facilities (this should be the same as Facilities above – hold down Apple /Control key and select
Scroll right down to the bottom where it says Terms and Conditions and add Hotels Terms and Conditions as shown from hotel information. Please ensure the first line here always states:
Please note: All bookings form a direct contract between the hotel provider and guest based on the following booking conditions
Then scroll to the top of the page and on the righthand side it says Featured Image click on this and add photo of hotel for front page ensuring it is ticked and then click Set Featured Image at the bottom righthand side of this screen and the photo should appear.
Click the Hotel Category as Hotel
And then click the blue button at the top and Publish